Continuity of Learning During COVID-19 Resource Database

This database contains resources that are provided for the user's convenience. The inclusion of these materials is not intended to reflect its importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered. These materials may contain the views and recommendations of various subject matter experts as well as hypertext links, contact addresses and websites to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. The opinions expressed in any of these materials do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the U.S. Department of Education. The U.S. Department of Education does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any outside information included in these materials.

Displaying 1 - 15 of 21 records matching your search.

AACTE conducted surveys in April 2020, October 2020, and September 2021, asking members about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their educator preparation programs. All three surveys were representative of AACTE’s membership. This report describes how conditions have changed since 2020, highlighting the lasting effects of the pandemic

Tags: Educators | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Research Product | Attract, Prepare, Retain | COVID-19 | Personnel Development

NCSI presented a multi-part webinar series sharing best practices for state special education leaders to make the best use of available resources during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. NCSI and invited experts shared information to help state leadership teams make informed decisions amid current circumstances, ensuring leaders are poised to continue high-quality educational programming for students and families.

Tags: Educators | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Webinar | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Fiscal | School Improvement

To successfully launch the 2020-2021 school year for students with disabilities, state education agencies (SEAs) have an essential leadership role to play in supporting local school systems to plan for multiple scenarios, including services delivered in-person, through distance learning, and via blended approaches.

Tags: Local/District Agencies | State/Regional Agencies | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | School Improvement

This presentation was delivered by Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey as part of the Colorado Multi-Tiered System of Support Virtual Summit 2020. In the presentation, Dr. Bailey focused on considerations for providing virtual intervention and progress monitoring and highlights resources developed by the National Center on Intensive Intervention

Tags: Educators | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | Webinar | Assessments | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning

Progress monitoring allows educators and administrators to understand whether students are responding to intervention and if adaptations are needed. This FAQ collection includes considerations for data collection and analysis for schools to consider as they rethink their progress monitoring approach due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Guidance from vendors on the academic and behavior progress monitoring tools charts are included.

Tags: Educators | Local/District Agencies | Technical Assistance Product | Assessments | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning

This resource developed by Sarah Thorud, Elementary Reading Specialist from Clatskanie School District in Oregon focuses on implementing screening and progress monitoring virtually. It includes guiding questions and considerations for implementation, video examples, and a sample sign-up sheet for screening and progress monitoring students virtually.

Tags: Educators | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Technical Assistance Product | Assessments | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning

Families can use this resource to make a family schedule, choose family expectations, and make a plan to teach, remind, reward, and respond to behavior at home.

Tags: Local/District Agencies | Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Family and Community Engagement | PBIS | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline

School and District leadership teams can download and use this resource to develop their own plan for welcoming staff back to school in Fall 2020 and providing 2 days of professional development.

Tags: Educators | Health/Related Services Providers | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | K-12 | Personnel Development

Brief guidance provided on how to administer and collect implementation capacity assessments and other implementation assessments virtually.

Tags: Educators | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Technical Assistance Product | Assessments | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning

Need key strategies on educational and transition planning for deaf students? A flexible, positive approach along with resources, tip sheets, and toolkits can support for Fall 2020 and beyond.

Tags: Educators | Health/Related Services Providers | Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Sensory

This one stop shop for all resources to support deaf students during COVID pulls together NDC technical assistance and dissemination activities on issues related to accommodations, communication, face masks, online learning, transition, and coordination of services. This web portal is updated weekly with new products and critical information to address ongoing concerns and needs in the field, with resources offered in English, Spanish, and ASL.

Tags: Educators | Health/Related Services Providers | Local/District Agencies | Parent/Families | School Administrators | Website | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Sensory

A series of webinars, from July through December 2020, on instructional strategies for children and youth who are deaf-blind (e.g., academic standards, literacy and numeracy, accessing the grade level general education curriculum). These will be recorded and made publicly available.

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Webinar | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Sensory

Staying on top of the continually changing information related to COVID-19 can be overwhelming. The resources on this page provide information to help families navigate health and benefits service systems.

Tags: Parent/Families | Website | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Sensory

Educational activities and routines to do at home. It provides ideas and resources to help children who are deaf-blind learn and have fun while schools are closed or any time.

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Website | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Sensory

Although intended primarily for families and educators of children with deaf-blindness, the content is highly relevant for children with any type of disability who benefit from learning through routines. Presented by two experts in the field of deaf-blindness.

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Webinar | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Sensory