Technical Assistance Resources for Part C Eligibility

Practitioner speaking with young mother.

The US Department of Education’s vision is that all infants and toddlers with delays or disabilities receive high-quality early intervention services and supports as early as possible to empower them to thrive and meet their and their family’s individualized needs. To meet this vision, State and local agencies must have a comprehensive system in place so that all infants and toddlers with delays or disabilities who are eligible for the Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part C early intervention services are promptly and equitably identified and evaluated. This requires that States and local agencies continuously examine and improve policies and practices aimed at identifying and evaluating infants and toddlers for delays and disabilities, particularly those who have been historically underserved by IDEA Part C.

This page provides resources and a series of Implementation Technical Assistance Guides that identify strategies and highlight resources and best practices for ensuring that families have equitable access to IDEA Part C services. The guides are intended for IDEA Part C coordinators, State and local early childhood program administrators, early childhood and health providers, families, policymakers and any individuals or organizations committed to improving outcomes for infants and toddlers with disabilities. Topics for the guides are listed below and will be rolled out on an ongoing basis - please check back for the newest guides.

Working Together to Support All Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Webinar Series

This webinar series highlights how federal agencies, State agencies, local programs, and families can work together to support infants and toddlers with disabilities' growth and development. Presenters will share new materials that highlight a vision for serving all infants and toddlers with delays and disabilities and provide strategies and resources on implementing an equitable and comprehensive system that identifies, locates, and evaluates infants and toddlers with delays and disabilities. 

December 2022

December 2023

Implementation Technical Assistance Guides: English Version

For information about accessing Part C and early intervention services in your State, please view this list of State Part C coordinators. Additional information is also available from the Early Childhood Technical Assistance (ECTA) Center or the Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR).

Guías Asistencia Técnica para la Implementación: Español Version

Esta página proporciona una serie de Guías Asistencia Técnica para la Implementación que identifican estrategias y resultan recursos y mejores prácticas para asegurar que las familias tengan acceso equitativo a servicios de IDEA Parte C. Las guías son dirigidas para los coordinadores de IDEA Parte C, administradores de programas estatales y locales para el programa de niñez temprana y proveedores de salud, familias, responsables políticos e individuos y organizaciones comprometidas con mejorar resultados para infantes y niñas pequeñas con discapacidades. Los temas para los guías son listado abajo y van a ser realizados en seguida. Por favor, vuelva a chequear por nuevas guías:

Para obtener información sobre cómo acceder a la Parte C y servicios de intervención en su estado, por favor revise la lista de coordinadores estatales de la Parte C. La información adicional va a estar disponible del Centro de Asistencia Técnica para la Temprana Infancia (ECTA) o el Centro de Información y Recursos para Padres (CPIR).