State Personnel Development Grant Program

Map of United States


The OSEP State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) program is the primary source of support for professional development activities under Sec 1451-1454 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The purpose of the SPDG program is to improve results for children with disabilities by:

  • Assisting State educational agencies (SEAs) in reforming and improving their systems for personnel preparation and professional development of individuals providing early intervention, educational, and transition services.

Current Investments

To see the States currently receiving SPDG grants, please visit: sig Network

Performance Measurement Information and Resources

The Department of Education has established a set of performance measures that are designed to yield information on various aspects of the effectiveness and quality of the program. Learn More

Additional Resources for Grantees

The Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs is pleased to provide additional resources to support your work with individuals with disabilities. Learn More

Engage OSEP logo

Engage OSEP Site Information

The following resources are presented by the Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) to support grantees in collaborating with one another. Learn More

Performance Measurement Information and Resources

The performance measures for the State Personnel Development Grant Program are:

Program Performance Measure #1 - Evidence-Based Practices in Professional Development:  Projects use evidence-based professional development practices to support the attainment of identified competencies.

Program Performance Measure #2 - Implementation Improvement:  Participants in SPDG professional development demonstrate improvement in implementation of SPDG-supported practices over time.

Program Performance Measure #3 - Sustaining SPDG-supported Practices:  Projects use SPDG professional development funds to provide follow-up activities designed to sustain the use of SPDG-supported practices.

Program Performance Measure #4 - Special Education Teacher Retention:  Highly qualified special education teachers who have participated in SPDG-supported special education teacher retention activities remain as special education teachers two years after their initial participation in these activities (Note that this measure is required only for those projects that have highly qualified special education teacher retention as an objective).

Program Measure #5 - Child Outcomes: Projects improve outcomes for children with disabilities. (Note that this measure is required only of projects that began in FY 2020 or more recently.)

Resources to respond to these program measures can be found here:

Performance Measurement Resources

Full 2022 Annual Performance Report Package for the State Personnel Development Grant Program (CFDA 84.323)

Resources for State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) Grantees

Click here to access the SigNetwork - a one-stop connection to resources about the SPDGs!

Additional Resources for Grantees

This is the FY 2019 Annual Performance Report for grantees under the State Personnel Development Program (84.323). 

Full 2021 Annual Performance Report (APR) Package for the State Personnel Development Grant Program (CFDA 84.323).


The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) at the U.S. Department of Education has instituted a new strategy to enhance collaboration opportunities with grantees and other stakeholders. This Engage OSEP site will enable OSEP to virtually bring together a variety of stakeholders to share information and to work together to improve results for infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities. This site has been designed to give OSEP staff, grantees, and stakeholders a place to work together to solve complicated issues, facilitate informal knowledge sharing, exchange thoughts and ideas, and share resources, while also providing a place for collaborative creation of new knowledge.

Visit the new Engage OSEP Site at: