Continuity of Learning During COVID-19 Resource Database

This database contains resources that are provided for the user's convenience. The inclusion of these materials is not intended to reflect its importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered. These materials may contain the views and recommendations of various subject matter experts as well as hypertext links, contact addresses and websites to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. The opinions expressed in any of these materials do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the U.S. Department of Education. The U.S. Department of Education does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any outside information included in these materials.

Displaying 1 - 15 of 62 records matching your search.

With children learning at home, our connections with families are so important. These tips will help you be focused and responsive during those calls or virtual meetings.

Tags: Educators | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Family and Community Engagement

Programs can use this form to gather information from families as to the impact from the pandemic and best ways to support the child and family.

Tags: Educators | Health/Related Services Providers | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Family and Community Engagement | Mental Health and Social & Emotional Supports

This document is designed to guide the Program Leadership Team around considerations for supporting children, families, and staff as they return to the program. The guidance includes Pyramid Model practices you know and encourages you to think about those strategies from a trauma-informed perspective.

Tags: Educators | School Administrators | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Family and Community Engagement | Mental Health and Social & Emotional Supports

STEP, the Parent Training and Information Center in Tennessee released an easy-to-use Return to School Planning Guide to help families prepare for how their children with disabilities will receive the services and supports outlined in their IEPs. A Spanish version of the guide can also be found on the STEP website.

Tags: Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Family and Community Engagement

In this lesson Carla Jo Whatley, a First Grade Teacher at Ferris Intermediate in Ferris ISD in Texas, illustrates how to use virtual manipulatives within a math lesson synchronously or asynchronously. The collection includes a tip sheet, two video examples, and slides with virtual base ten block practice examples.

Tags: Educators | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | STEM

This video and tip sheets provide an example and strategies for how educators can implement the NCII reading and mathematics sample lessons through virtual learning. The video illustrates a sample lesson using explicit instruction principles being delivered by an educator virtually and the tip sheets provide considerations for educators delivering instruction and how they can collaborate with families to provide additional practice opportunities using the sample lessons.

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Family and Community Engagement

This resource was developed by a coalition of projects that are funded by the Office of Special Education Programs in response to requests from state and local educational agencies and parents about how to hold and participate in virtual individualized education program (IEP) meetings. While intended to meet a need during the COVID-19 pandemic, the content is designed to have broader applications.

Tags: Educators | Health/Related Services Providers | Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Family and Community Engagement

To successfully launch the 2020-2021 school year for students with disabilities, state education agencies (SEAs) have an essential leadership role to play in supporting local school systems to plan for multiple scenarios, including services delivered in-person, through distance learning, and via blended approaches.

Tags: Local/District Agencies | State/Regional Agencies | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | School Improvement

This lessons includes a tip sheet, slides with activities, and supplemental materials that are associated with finding the area of various polygons, the area of circles, and the relationship between the area formulas, as well as a final activity exploring the area of a parallelogram and the area of a circle. This unit was created by Robert Stroud from Westerly Public Schools in Rhode Island to support making the connections between various polygons and their areas rather than just providing formulas to compute.

Tags: Educators | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | STEM

This resource focuses on tools for making math notation more accessible to learners through the use of text-to-speech, handwriting recognition and other supports that can be installed on the devices families have at home to support continuity of learning.

Tags: Educators | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | STEM

Social media can provide opportunities to clearly communicate policies and procedures to families during remote learning, and this resource provides tips on how to ensure all communication shared through social media follows accessibility best practices.

Tags: Educators | School Administrators | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Education Technology

The use of video to support instruction is growing with remote and hybrid learning, and this resource focuses on the top tips and techniques for creating accessible video content that also engages learners and promotes understanding for everyone.

Tags: Educators | School Administrators | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Education Technology

Families can use this resource to make a family schedule, choose family expectations, and make a plan to teach, remind, reward, and respond to behavior at home.

Tags: Local/District Agencies | Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Family and Community Engagement | PBIS | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline

School and District leadership teams can download and use this resource to develop their own plan for welcoming staff back to school in Fall 2020 and providing 2 days of professional development.

Tags: Educators | Health/Related Services Providers | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | K-12 | Personnel Development

Many educational materials are not purchased, but created by educators and staff as they are needed. This resource focuses on five practices for getting started with the creation of accessible documents and slide decks that can be shared with families to support continuity of learning for all students, including those who use assistive technologies to interact with educational materials.

Tags: Educators | School Administrators | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Education Technology