Continuity of Learning During COVID-19 Resource Database

This database contains resources that are provided for the user's convenience. The inclusion of these materials is not intended to reflect its importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered. These materials may contain the views and recommendations of various subject matter experts as well as hypertext links, contact addresses and websites to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. The opinions expressed in any of these materials do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the U.S. Department of Education. The U.S. Department of Education does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any outside information included in these materials.

Displaying 1 - 15 of 29 records matching your search.

Scripted story to help children understand the steps to problem solving. Includes problem scenario cards to help children practice finding a solution to common social problems.

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Early Childhood

Try these strategies with your child! The more you use a calming strategy and practice the strategy with your child, the more likely they are to use the strategy when experiencing anger, stress, sadness, or frustration.

Tags: Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Early Childhood

Tucker the Turtle provides a scripted story to teach young children how to calm down when they have strong feelings by tucking into their shell and taking deep breaths. The story also includes visuals to help children learn how to use the strategy.

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning

This resource includes instructions and tips for families on how to create a calm down area at home.

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning

Practice guides for teleteaching for educators and families. English and Spanish translations of behavior, low intensity strategies, and overall guidance for engaging with children with disabilities in virtual learning spaces

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning

This guide has practical strategies that work for helping children of all ages who may be struggling with an at-home learning task. Families may find these strategies useful when helping their children complete various reading, math, and/or behavioral tasks at home.

Tags: Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning

To successfully launch the 2020-2021 school year for students with disabilities, state education agencies (SEAs) have an essential leadership role to play in supporting local school systems to plan for multiple scenarios, including services delivered in-person, through distance learning, and via blended approaches.

Tags: Local/District Agencies | State/Regional Agencies | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | School Improvement

Progress monitoring allows educators and administrators to understand whether students are responding to intervention and if adaptations are needed. This FAQ collection includes considerations for data collection and analysis for schools to consider as they rethink their progress monitoring approach due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Guidance from vendors on the academic and behavior progress monitoring tools charts are included.

Tags: Educators | Local/District Agencies | Technical Assistance Product | Assessments | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning

Social media can provide opportunities to clearly communicate policies and procedures to families during remote learning, and this resource provides tips on how to ensure all communication shared through social media follows accessibility best practices.

Tags: Educators | School Administrators | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Education Technology

The use of video to support instruction is growing with remote and hybrid learning, and this resource focuses on the top tips and techniques for creating accessible video content that also engages learners and promotes understanding for everyone.

Tags: Educators | School Administrators | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Education Technology

Families can use this resource to make a family schedule, choose family expectations, and make a plan to teach, remind, reward, and respond to behavior at home.

Tags: Local/District Agencies | Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Family and Community Engagement | PBIS | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline

Educators can download this template and create their own plan to implement PBIS in their classroom. The template includes opportunity to develop a classroom matrix, create lesson plans to teach expected behavior, script prompts or reminders for desired behavior, and plan praise and corrections.

Tags: Educators | Local/District Agencies | Parent/Families | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Technical Assistance Product | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning

Many educational materials are not purchased, but created by educators and staff as they are needed. This resource focuses on five practices for getting started with the creation of accessible documents and slide decks that can be shared with families to support continuity of learning for all students, including those who use assistive technologies to interact with educational materials.

Tags: Educators | School Administrators | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Education Technology

The shift to remote and hybrid learning have highlighted the importance of accessibility as a way to ensure educational equity for all learners. This resource focuses on concrete steps educators and administrators can take to ensure the technology they are purchasing meets accessibility requirements.

Tags: Educators | School Administrators | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Education Technology

State, district, or other MTSS/PBIS leadership teams can download and use this action planning template to (1) confirm and re-establish commitment, (2) consider capacity and resource allocation, (3) invest in supporting structures, and (4) promote competency development.

Tags: Educators | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Technical Assistance Product | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning