Continuity of Learning During COVID-19 Resource Database

This database contains resources that are provided for the user's convenience. The inclusion of these materials is not intended to reflect its importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered. These materials may contain the views and recommendations of various subject matter experts as well as hypertext links, contact addresses and websites to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. The opinions expressed in any of these materials do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the U.S. Department of Education. The U.S. Department of Education does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any outside information included in these materials.

Displaying 1 - 15 of 57 records matching your search.

AACTE conducted surveys in April 2020, October 2020, and September 2021, asking members about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their educator preparation programs. All three surveys were representative of AACTE’s membership. This report describes how conditions have changed since 2020, highlighting the lasting effects of the pandemic

Tags: Educators | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Research Product | Attract, Prepare, Retain | COVID-19 | Personnel Development

Scripted story to help children understand the steps to problem solving. Includes problem scenario cards to help children practice finding a solution to common social problems.

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Early Childhood

Try these strategies with your child! The more you use a calming strategy and practice the strategy with your child, the more likely they are to use the strategy when experiencing anger, stress, sadness, or frustration.

Tags: Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Early Childhood

Tucker the Turtle provides a scripted story to teach young children how to calm down when they have strong feelings by tucking into their shell and taking deep breaths. The story also includes visuals to help children learn how to use the strategy.

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning

This resource includes instructions and tips for families on how to create a calm down area at home.

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning

The Unified Young readers Club is a great inclusive activity for a younger audience and accompanies Special Olympics Young Athletes play with books and study guides that support teachers as they address such topics as inclusion, awareness, friendship, bullying, and acceptance to audiences of both students with and without intellectual disabilities. Each book has a theme that relates to multiple state academic standards, and aligns with the precepts of positive school climate initiatives.

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Website | COVID-19 | Inclusive Practices | Literacy

The purpose of Inclusion Tiles is to support understanding of the true meaning of diversity and meaningful inclusion. Meaningful inclusion is hard to put into words and action, and these tiles help to start the conversation and support people of all ages along their inclusion journey.

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Inclusive Practices

In this lesson Carla Jo Whatley, a First Grade Teacher at Ferris Intermediate in Ferris ISD in Texas, illustrates how to use virtual manipulatives within a math lesson synchronously or asynchronously. The collection includes a tip sheet, two video examples, and slides with virtual base ten block practice examples.

Tags: Educators | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | STEM

Practice guides for teleteaching for educators and families. English and Spanish translations of behavior, low intensity strategies, and overall guidance for engaging with children with disabilities in virtual learning spaces

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning

This Voices from the Field video shares the experiences of four teachers in the Exceptional Children department in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools as they adjusted to delivering instruction during COVID-19 restrictions. They discuss the importance of communicating with families, how they have adapted virtual instruction and used instructional materials, their thoughts for continuing efforts in fall 2020, and their advice for other teachers.

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Webinar | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Inclusive Practices

NCSI presented a multi-part webinar series sharing best practices for state special education leaders to make the best use of available resources during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. NCSI and invited experts shared information to help state leadership teams make informed decisions amid current circumstances, ensuring leaders are poised to continue high-quality educational programming for students and families.

Tags: Educators | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Webinar | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Fiscal | School Improvement

This guide has practical strategies that work for helping children of all ages who may be struggling with an at-home learning task. Families may find these strategies useful when helping their children complete various reading, math, and/or behavioral tasks at home.

Tags: Parent/Families | Technical Assistance Product | Positive Supports for Behavior and Discipline | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning

To successfully launch the 2020-2021 school year for students with disabilities, state education agencies (SEAs) have an essential leadership role to play in supporting local school systems to plan for multiple scenarios, including services delivered in-person, through distance learning, and via blended approaches.

Tags: Local/District Agencies | State/Regional Agencies | Technical Assistance Product | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | School Improvement

COVID-19 has caused an unexpected rapid transition to online content delivery for many. Thankfully, there are already many great resources on how to effectively teach online. Here we’re sharing some of our favorite resources.

Tags: Educators | Toolkit | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Inclusive Practices

In this webinar, Dr. Anita Archer teaches high leverage instructional practices for in-person and remote learning. Consistent with an explicit instruction approach, Dr. Archer demonstrates each practice, actively engages her audience, and sets educators up to successfully pivot their effective instructional practices into the current content.

Tags: Educators | Webinar | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Inclusive Practices