Database of Federally Funded Technical Assistance and Research Centers

Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center

The Midwest and Plains Equity Assistance Center is one of four regional Equity Assistance Centers. This center is funded by the United States Department of Education under Title IV of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The center provides technical assistance and training, upon request, in the areas of race, sex, national origin and religion to public school districts and other responsible governmental agencies to promote equitable education opportunities. Work focuses on the areas of civil rights, equity, and school reform.

Director(s): Kathleen King Thorius, Ph.D., Seena Skelton, Ph.D.

Specialty Area

  • Alternative Routes to Certification
  • Educator Effectiveness
  • Equity
  • Family Engagement
  • School Climate & Behavior
  • School Mental Health
  • System Alignment

Primary Audience

  • School Districts
  • State Education Agencies


  • Coaching
  • Consulting
  • Content Expertise
  • Convening Stakeholders
  • Facilitation
  • Research



Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Wisconsin

Level of Support


Additional Information

Technical Assistance Centers

Regional Educational Laboratory Mid-Atlantic

The Regional Educational Laboratory Mid-Atlantic (REL Mid-Atlantic) is one of 10 research centers funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences to partner with stakeholders in using evidence to improve teaching, learning, and school leadership. REL Mid-Atlantic translates research to practice in partnership with policymakers and practitioners in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Based on regional needs they provide training, coaching, and technical support to help apply high-quality evidence to education improvement initiatives. The lab also conducts, applies, and disseminates research and research-based technical assistance in collaboration with stakeholders in the region to promote continuous improvement of educational practice.

Based on the input from the region the work takes many forms:

  • Partnerships and alliances are formed and evolve
  • Conduct research studies to answer pressing questions for stakeholders in the region
  • Publications are released based on research studies conducted
  • Coaching and technical support workshops are collaborative activities conducted with stakeholders
  • Events are designed and supported to meet the needs of the region
  • Tools are developed through the work with stakeholders
  • Ask A REL responses are provided to inquiries from the region
Director(s): Brian Gill, Ph.D., J.D.

Specialty Area

  • Alternative Routes to Certification
  • Career and Technical Education
  • Early Childhood Educators
  • Early Childhood Leadership
  • Education Leadership
  • Educator Effectiveness
  • Educator Preparation
  • Educator Retention
  • Equity
  • Evidence Based Practices & Scaling Up
  • Family Engagement
  • Measuring Student Growth
  • Multi-tiered Systems of Support
  • Organizational Leadership
  • School Climate & Behavior
  • Social and Emotional Learning
  • Teacher Mentoring and Induction

Primary Audience

  • Administrators
  • School Districts
  • State Education Agencies


  • Assessment Tools
  • Coaching
  • Content Expertise
  • Convening Stakeholders
  • Facilitation
  • Research



Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania

Level of Support


Additional Information

No additional information provided

Regional Educational Laboratory West

Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) West serves four states: Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah. To address the priorities and interests in these states, REL West works in partnership with school districts, state departments of education, and others to use data and research to improve academic outcomes for students. Each partnership focuses on one or more of the following four regional priority topics: educator development, early learning, postsecondary pathways, and support of the whole child.

While schools, districts, state and local support agencies, and other education stakeholders in REL West’s four-state region share many priorities, their specific challenges and needs for research and support can vary. Accordingly, REL West engages in systematic, ongoing assessment of regional education needs to determine how best to target research and provide research-based information, analysis, and analytic support. 

REL West's needs-sensing approaches include:
•    Actively soliciting input from state and local decisionmakers.
•    Analyzing data and policy trends.
•    Examining educator and policymaker requests for assistance.
•    Collaborating with regional Comprehensive Centers.
•    Working with our partners to determine unmet needs.

In response to the diverse needs and priorities of our nine partnerships, REL West engages in a broad range of work. Through in-depth training, coaching, and analytic support, we build the capacity of our partners to address a variety of issues. These include: tackling the complexities of cross-sector data sharing and data use; learning to make evidence-based policy and practice decisions; and addressing challenges that are context- and region-specific, including those unique to rural entities. In addition, REL West conducts applied research that is integrated with the training, coaching, and analytic support we conduct with our partners.

Director(s): Nikola Filby, Director

Specialty Area

  • Educator Effectiveness
  • Educator Preparation
  • English Language Learners
  • P-3 Systems (Prenatal to Grade 3)
  • School Climate & Behavior
  • Social and Emotional Learning

Primary Audience

  • Administrators
  • School Districts
  • State Education Agencies


  • Assessment Tools
  • Coaching
  • Content Expertise
  • Convening Stakeholders
  • Facilitation
  • Research


Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah

Level of Support


Additional Information

No additional information provided

Regional Educational Laboratory Central

Regional Educational Lab (REL) Central partners with key stakeholders in Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Standing Rock Reservation, and Wyoming to develop evidence that can inform consequential decisions about policy, programs, and practice. Key stakeholders include organizations with decision-making authority and the ability to influence education policy and practice, such as state and local education agencies, school boards, institutes of higher education, and student, family, and community organizations. RELs partner with these organizations on applied research and development; training, coaching and technical supports; and dissemination.

Director(s): Phillip Herman, Director

Specialty Area

  • Educator Effectiveness
  • Educator Preparation
  • Educator Retention
  • Equity
  • Evidence Based Practices & Scaling Up
  • Family Engagement
  • Teacher Mentoring and Induction

Primary Audience

  • Administrators
  • School Districts
  • State Education Agencies


  • Assessment Tools
  • Content Expertise
  • Convening Stakeholders
  • Facilitation
  • Research



Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota

Level of Support


Additional Information

Other Specialty Areas: Rural Education; American Indian Education; School Improvement; Innovative Schools