Continuity of Learning During COVID-19 Resource Database

This database contains resources that are provided for the user's convenience. The inclusion of these materials is not intended to reflect its importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered. These materials may contain the views and recommendations of various subject matter experts as well as hypertext links, contact addresses and websites to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. The opinions expressed in any of these materials do not necessarily reflect the positions or policies of the U.S. Department of Education. The U.S. Department of Education does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any outside information included in these materials.

Displaying 1 - 15 of 60 records matching your search.

Information for States to ensure that school districts continue to provide free and appropriate public education (FAPE) consistent with the need to protect the health and safety of students with disabilities and those individuals providing education, specialized instruction, and related services to these students during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Tags: Health/Related Services Providers | Local/District Agencies | State/Regional Agencies | Website | COVID-19 | Early Childhood

Instructions on How to Protect Yourself & Others

Tags: Educators | Health/Related Services Providers | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Website | COVID-19 | Early Childhood

Display: Help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like COVID-19.

Tags: Educators | Health/Related Services Providers | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Website | COVID-19 | Early Childhood

Display: What you should know about COVID-19 to protect yourself and others

Tags: Educators | Health/Related Services Providers | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Website | COVID-19 | Early Childhood

This information is intended for child care programs that remain open and should be used in conjunction with CDC’s guidance for administrators of child care programs and K-12 schools. This guidance does not supersede applicable federal, state, and local laws and policies for child care programs.

Tags: Educators | Health/Related Services Providers | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Website | COVID-19 | Early Childhood

The purpose of this guidance is to answer questions that school officials may have had concerning the disclosure of personally identifiable information from students’ education records to outside entities when addressing the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).   

Tags: Educators | Health/Related Services Providers | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Website | COVID-19 | Early Childhood

This Questions and Answers document outlines states’ responsibilities to infants, toddlers, and children with disabilities and their families, and to the staff serving these children. During an outbreak of COVID-19, local educational agencies (LEAs) and early intervention service (EIS) programs will need to collaborate with their state educational agency (SEA), Bureau of Indian Education (BIE), or local public health department, as appropriate, to address questions about how, what, and when services should be provided to children with disabilities

Tags: Educators | Health/Related Services Providers | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Website | COVID-19 | Early Childhood

This fact sheet provides guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to determine, in close consultation with public health authorities, what actions to take to further reduce the potential risk of coronavirus transmission in schools, and should check the CDC website at “Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)” ( periodically for any updated guidance. 

Tags: Educators | Health/Related Services Providers | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Website | COVID-19 | Early Childhood

This fact sheet discusses the potential implications of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on State assessment and accountability systems. This fact sheet also addresses other considerations regarding the use of Federal funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended (ESEA).

Tags: Educators | Health/Related Services Providers | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Website | COVID-19 | Early Childhood

This recorded webinar addresses challenges in supporting families to help their children with learning activities or conducting intervention within routines using technology.

Tags: Educators | Health/Related Services Providers | Webinar | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Family and Community Engagement

The Unified Young readers Club is a great inclusive activity for a younger audience and accompanies Special Olympics Young Athletes play with books and study guides that support teachers as they address such topics as inclusion, awareness, friendship, bullying, and acceptance to audiences of both students with and without intellectual disabilities. Each book has a theme that relates to multiple state academic standards, and aligns with the precepts of positive school climate initiatives.

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Website | COVID-19 | Inclusive Practices | Literacy

This Voices from the Field video shares the experiences of four teachers in the Exceptional Children department in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools as they adjusted to delivering instruction during COVID-19 restrictions. They discuss the importance of communicating with families, how they have adapted virtual instruction and used instructional materials, their thoughts for continuing efforts in fall 2020, and their advice for other teachers.

Tags: Educators | Parent/Families | Webinar | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Inclusive Practices

This Voices From the Field piece includes a discussion with Laura Hamby and Ann Jolly from the Exceptional Children department in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools about how they have addressed teaching and learning challenges related to COVID-19 restrictions. They shared some of the strategies they implemented during Spring 2020 to support special educators in their districts to meet the needs of students with disabilities and their families.

Tags: Educators | Local/District Agencies | Webinar | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Family and Community Engagement

NCSI presented a multi-part webinar series sharing best practices for state special education leaders to make the best use of available resources during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. NCSI and invited experts shared information to help state leadership teams make informed decisions amid current circumstances, ensuring leaders are poised to continue high-quality educational programming for students and families.

Tags: Educators | Local/District Agencies | School Administrators | State/Regional Agencies | Webinar | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Fiscal | School Improvement

COVID-19 has caused an unexpected rapid transition to online content delivery for many. Thankfully, there are already many great resources on how to effectively teach online. Here we’re sharing some of our favorite resources.

Tags: Educators | Toolkit | COVID-19 | Distance and Remote Learning | Inclusive Practices